Users of the A127 ‘Arterial Road’ into Southend take note… The SPECS Average Speed Camera network is now live (April 2009).
As locals will know, the speed for the stretch of the dual carriageway approaching Southend recently dropped from 70mph down to 50mph, with average speed cameras in place to enforce this limit.
Essential safety solution, or a council money-maker? More discussion on the A127 50mph Speed Limit Protest Group on Facebook.
the council are just making money out of this all the years i have lived around this area i think i can count on my hand how many accidents there have been on the 127 try looking on the A12 instead of the A127 there are no houses in this area just fields i think the traffic has flowed quite easy through there without those cameras.
I don't agree with the 50mph zone – cameras with a 70mph zone would have been enough I think. But your comment about accidents is plain wrong. When I used to travel back from Thurrock to Southend over a period of one and a half years in 2003/4, I was confronted with jammed roads courtesy of accidents at least three times on the A127.
Rules are rules, like it or not, you can't break the road law. Nothing to worry about, if you aren't a speeder.
As for the council making money out of it……good for them, if it makes that much difference. And for speeders…..shame on them for putting the lives of others at risk.
There is no room for idiots. If people break the roadlaws, next they will get stricter, until people will have to renew licences more often, to prove they are intelligent enough to remember the rules.