Waze is a social GPS project, and two of the Sarfend team are active Waze users. If you have a Smartphone, install the free Waze application and share road information with other Southend-on-Sea road users.

What is Waze?
A free application for your smartphone. Have Waze running as you drive around South Essex for free live travel data from other Waze users. Report accidents and hold-ups, get speed camera alerts and chat with other drivers. Think of it as a social Sat Nav

Early Waze Map, showing bonus point goodies

Waze, showing Halloween Goodies in Westcliff
Install Waze
Waze is available free for the following platforms:
- Waze for iPhone / iPad (free in App Store)
- Waze for Android phones (free in Android Market)
- Waze for Windows Mobile
- Waze for Nokia / Symbian phones
Waze and Sarfend
Two of our team regularly drive and update Waze as we go. We report local travel as we see it using Waze via Twitter. Follow Sarfend on Twitter.
Got a Smartphone? Give Waze a try – it’s free!
Seen a problem with the Southend Map? We may be able to help fix it.!
Any comments or questions about Waze in Southend? Please contact us